
Marriage can mean lots of things differently to couples.

1/ You love each other
2/ Committed to each other
4/ Laughter
5/ Perhaps start a family together

The reason a marriage breaks up is when one or even all of those things cease to mean anything any more. The sadness when a relationship of any kind splits up is unbearably sad whatever the whys and wherefores.

However when you have been with someone for thirty plus years, it becomes hard to comprehend where it all went wrong. It would be easy to blame one or the other but it always takes two to tango and somewhere along the years something breaks up and you become divided.

The easiest thing in the world is to pretend that there is nothing wrong. The hardest decision is to pack up and walk away and leave everything you’ve known, everything that has been in your life and start anew.

It’s scary!
It’s terrifying!
It’s monumental!

And it is very hard to stay on your feet without crumbling into a ball and asking ‘why you’?
When you’re in your fifties it is so much harder to start over again. For years you have been part of this family unit that has kept you secure. Even through the eons of struggles that have been hard, even though the relationship has been slowly disintegrate for more years than you care to remember.

It is hard!
How do you get through it?
Great friends.
Strong mind.
Strength from somewhere, to take that step into the world as a single person, it is horrifyingly scary.
But there is hope on the other side.
A better life.
And remembering whatever has happened or will happen  YOU ARE WORTH IT.

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