A Picture Diary Of My Spinal Surgery

February 24th I had major spinal surgery… Anterior Cervical Disectomy & Cage Fusion @ C5/6.
Three of my discs needed work.
I was nervous as the porter and nurse of Walton Hospital in Liverpool wheeled me down to the theatre.  It was 8.10am and I had on my very attractive stockings and paper knickers, being first on the list was a blessing that I was thankful for. Eight hours later I was wheeled back to the ward, tired, sore and so thankful that it was over.
Now the recovery process starts. It’s long and tedious and already I am fed up. I still have to be careful with what and how I do things and the way I lift and bend.  Unfortunately I have a horrible scar on my neck but with time that will fade. The good news is that the numbness down my arm, hand and fingers has gone. My pain is still pretty bad but I’m told that will get better.
Next operation will be the same as my upper spine but at L4/5 depending on what the next MRI shows.

I kept a diary in pictures at how quickly my wound heeled. Unable to wash my hair and with no makeup on I faced the camera. Anyone who knows me will tell you I don't even show my face out the door without my hair done and my face on. So here goes...this is my journey.