It is my pleasure to welcome Christina OW to my blog.
Author Spotlight Christina OW
Christina OW writes suspense,
thrillers, erotica, interracial and multicultural romance books. She is the
author of Contemporary, Fantasy, Paranormal Romance books and a poet of
currently 3 titles. She loves reading novels that take her on a ride of wild
emotions. Books have always been an escape for her, for a few hours she gets to
live the lives of characters she grows to cherish and admire. She's always had
an active imagination and because of it has lived in her head more than she has
been in the outside world. She always imagined scenarios and wondered how they
would turn out in the end, and what kind of emotions they would invoke. Thus
began her writing career.
What genre(s) do you write? Romance in contemporary, paranormal and
fantasy. My characters are IR/MC couples.
What was the hardest part
of writing your book? The writing. There
is this meme about having voices in your head. For authors we need those
voices, those characters, in writing the book because when they go silent, I end
up staring at a blank page for hours even days. It’s not fun at all especially
when there deadline is looming in the horizon.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Both. Before I begin a book, I plot it
out. How I would like it to begin, the climax, the conflict and finally the
ending. But sometimes the book takes a life of it’s on and the only thing that
stuck to the plan was the beginning.
How long have you been a
writer? Five years.
How much time did it take
from writing your first book to having it published? The first book I ever wrote just got published in January- Fate Reborn.
So I would say from the first word written to publication, four and a half
What other careers have you
had? I have a BA in International
Studies and Communications & Media, and a Diploma in Law. I worked at a law
firm, and a fashion house while studying. But at the moment, I’m a writer and a
fashion designer. This is where the ‘We make plans and God laughs’ joke comes
What else would you like
readers to know about you or your work? My
books are just different social circumstances and how I think I would react to
them. For example, a cheating boyfriend? Would I just burst up his stuff or
other things on his body his emotionally attached to?
What is your favorite vacation
spot? Mombasa, Kenya. It’s beautiful,
it’s hot and has the best night life during the holidays. It’s also home,
nothing beats that.
Which food could you not
live without? Chocolate. I would wither
away without chocolate.
10. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you travel? Italy. There is just something about Italy
that has me drooling over it.
11. Do you have siblings? What was it like growing up with them? Yes, a twin, and an older sister. Growing
up, let’s just say, it was complicated. No one likes to share but people seem
to think just because you’re a twin, it’s a given.
12. Do you have a favorite snacks that you drink when you write? Orange juice, chutney chips and chocolate
chip cookies
Book Blurb:
Life had been great these past few weeks. I
have a hot boyfriend, got back my dad and my adopted sisters were happy with
their significant others. Life was good. That is until I started getting
attacked by bouts of pain that would render me unconscious. Something was wrong
with me, Ash knew but he wasn’t sharing. Worse than that, Steve in the worst
form possible is back to haunt me. And Ash with his hug archaic pride just
won’t let it go. Oh, but I haven’t gotten to the worst part yet…hell!
What’s a girl to do to get some long term
Get the series preview The Beginning FREE
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chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift card and other giveaways. For multiple entries
visit Christina OW’s Facebook page
Author Links
Amazon Page
Amazon Page
Twists of Fate
Book Blast
Book Blurb:
Life had been great these past few
weeks. I have a hot boyfriend, got back my dad and my adopted sisters were
happy with their significant others. Life was good. That is until I started
getting attacked by bouts of pain that would render me unconscious. Something
was wrong with me, Ash knew but he wasn’t sharing. Worse than that, Steve in
the worst form possible is back to haunt me. And Ash with his hug archaic pride
just won’t let it go. Oh, but I haven’t gotten to the worst part yet…hell!
What’s a girl to do to get some long
term happiness?
Dukkha Fate Series
- Sweet Romance.
- Sweet Romance.
-Sweet Romance
-Interracial, Multicultural, New Adult, Paranormal,
-Hero is Native American, heroine is African American with East African origins.
-Hero is Native American, heroine is African American with East African origins.
When a man with an ancient grudge meets and falls
in love with the innocent girl who's life was ruined by his vendetta,
complicated isn't word enough to describe the situation he finds himself in.
His chance with her would be shot to hell if she were to find out his role in
her family's death. She would probably take the news that he was 325 year old
werewolf much better.
Get the series preview The Beginning FREE
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Author Bio
Christina OW writes suspense, thrillers, erotica,
interracial and multicultural romance books. She is the author of Contemporary,
Fantasy, Paranormal Romance books and a poet of currently 3 titles. She loves
reading novels that take her on a ride of wild emotions. Books have always been
an escape for her, for a few hours she gets to live the lives of characters she
grows to cherish and admire. She's always had an active imagination and because
of it has lived in her head more than she has been in the outside world. She
always imagined scenarios and wondered how they would turn out in the end, and
what kind of emotions they would invoke. Thus began her writing career.
Enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway for a
chance to win a $20 Amazon Gift card and other giveaways. For multiple entries
visit Christina OW’s Facebook page
Author Links
Amazon Page
Amazon Page