All skincare preparations need base… carrier
oil. Most of these don’t have a scent except perhaps Olive Oil which can be
slightly or heavily aromatic. Almost all carrier oils are cold pressed and I
would advise buying organic where possible.
I use these to make my body oil which I use
while my skin is wet after a shower or bath. Always apply oil to your body when
it is still wet. Massage in then dry off with a towel and I guarantee you will
have the softest skin ever. I mix all three of the following oils and then add
my favotite scent and at the moment its Fresh Garden Cut Roses which I buy from
the quality is the best I’ve found so far.
Grape seed Oil

Almond Oil
Many of the best skin care preparations
contain Sweet Almond Oil, it’s easily absorbed, rich in Vitamin E and also contains
magnesium, calcium and vitamin D. Easily combines with almost every other oil…non
greasy and just an easy oil to us.
Great oil to use for babies as it mimics
the oil babies excrete to keep their skin and hair healthy. It most definitely is
a better oil to use than baby oil that has propylene glycol in it which is used
in anti-freeze.
Avocado Oil
If you thought avocados was something you
put in your salad think again it is a powerful anti-ageing fruit not just to
eat but to use the oils as a skin care regime. This oil has a much higher
concentration of mono-unsaturated fats and because of this it is able to penetrate
the skin to a much deeper level so it is a great oil to blend with others. It
protects the skin from sun exposure and most importantly avocado oil contains
the only known natural source of the age-reversing ingredient Avocare PFE (all
the others are synthetic.
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