One of the most
poignant moments I spent in America this year was at the Relay for Life in
Norfolk Virginia where the largest Navy base in the world, Naval Base Norfolk is
located. The movies Navy Seals, Roller-coaster and Mission impossible 111 were all
filmed in the Norfolk, VA areas so this is a pretty famous city not just for
its media accomplishments but for the famous Navy Seals themselves.
Norfolk VA is a city
nestled where the calm blue waters of the Chesapeake Bay meets with the roughness
of the Atlantic Ocean. It has been given the award for The All- American City.
It has a great support for its veterans and honors those who serve their country
both present and passed with its memorial museums and city named places.
Its unique neighborhoods
give an insight to an old and new America, the homes lined with wrap around
porches and rockers rocking in the breeze. The history so attentive that you
could almost see that historic picture of mama’s sitting in those chairs
watching their children play on the street, fanning away the heat of the day.
The Relay For Life was
an event I attended while I was staying with my friends. Each year, more than
four million people in over 20 countries participate and raise much needed
funds and awareness to save lives from cancer. I lost my dad and many relatives
to this disease; it’s heartbreakingly painful for those with it and those
taking care of their loved ones who have it.
My friends husband
Wynn Evers(I've named him because I think it’s a fantastic thing that he does every year and I hope he doesn't mind that I have) he is a voice over artist and has an amazingly sincere voice. He calls out the names of all those who have died of cancer and all those that have/are surviving it and what an emotional half an hour that was…
Everyone was quiet the whole time, a guy stood up and spoke about losing his brother and because he belonged to a motor bike club his friends did a lap in honor of him, where they rode their bikes which were all decorated with lights…amazing sight!
The most deeply heartened moment for me was when my friend spoke my dad’s name on the list of those who had died from this awful disease, I felt as though at that moment my dad was there and took my hand saying sorry for all the sadness…
I tried to take pictures but it was dark but I hope you can get the feeling of what I’m talking about because it was a truly special moment.

The lanterns all lit with that special persons name

Wynn Evers saying the names

The Scottish bag pipes